Assignment #77 and Adventure 2


///John Mulligan
///period 5
///Program Name: Adventure2
///File Name:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Adventure2
	public static void main( String[] args )
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
		int nextroom = 1;
		String choice = "";

		while ( nextroom != 0 )
			if ( nextroom == 1 )
				System.out.println( "You wake up in a pod. There is an \"shiny red button\" and a hatch marked with the sign \"lauch bay\"." );
				System.out.print( "> " );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
				if ( choice.equals("shiny red button") )
					nextroom = 2;
				else if ( choice.equals("launch bay") )
					nextroom = 3;
					System.out.println( choice + " not a choice buddy }:/ . Try again." );
			if ( nextroom == 2 )
				System.out.println( "You hit the red button because you havent seen any movie ever. Nothing happens so you \"rethink\"." );
				System.out.print( "> " );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
				if ( choice.equals("rethink") )
					nextroom = 1;
					System.out.println( choice + " not an option :/. Try again!" );
			if ( nextroom == 3 )
				System.out.println( "You open the hatch. to your suprise, you hear the red button beep to infering you need to go back to the " );
				System.out.println( "\"pod\" BUT!, you could adventure further" );
				System.out.println( "Do you want to enter the \"pod\" or adventure \"further\" see whats going on." );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
				System.out.print( "> " );
				if ( choice.equals("pod") )
					nextroom = 1;
				else if ( choice.equals("further") )
					nextroom = 4;
					System.out.println( choice + " thats no choice. Try again." );
			if ( nextroom == 4 )
				System.out.println( "You see a window and look out to see earth." );
				System.out.println( "you enter the pod and everything goes dark. You and the pod plumit tword the earth" );
				nextroom = 0;

		System.out.println( "\Thank you for playing :D" );